Category Archives: Author-ly News

Settling Down: The Blog Tour!

I have dates, I have blogs to post, I have the jitters.

But below are the places where I’ll be posting to from July 26th to August 1st. Please join me as I release exclusive content and yap about the Little Earthquakes series!

July 20 – MM Good Book Reviews
July 26 – My Fiction Nook
July 27 – Divine Magazine
July 27 – Long and Short Reviews
July 28 – Open Skye Book Reviews
July 30 – Love Bytes
August 1 – Dreamspinner Press Blog

Can’t wait to see you there!

Con Bound

Did you know that I wrote a story based at a geek convention?

I did it for a NanoWriMo when I didn’t have access to a computer (*gasp* I know. How I kept sane is a mystery to me).  Every time I look around when I’m at CONvergence, I remember it clearly.

Maybe one day I’ll clean it up, update it, and see if y’all will like it.

Anyway, I have a bunch of promos coming up for Settling Down coming up soon and I can’t wait to share the dates and blogs with you.

…once I’m back home.

…and have slept for like a whole week.

Long Time, No Write

Yep, you heard that right, folks. It’s June which means I’m in a frenzy of stitching and painting and printing and all kinds of shit getting ready for CONvergence here in Minneapolis.

Which means no writing, which means no WIP.  Aww.

But I do have good news to share, though. Settling Down has a publishing date!!  Look for it on July 27th at Dreamspinner Press.

And OMG the cover, done again by the awesome AngstyG, is so beautiful!  Lookit!




I’m in love with this cover. I’d marry it if I could.

Watching Your Baby Get Torn Apart

Editing is probably the worst part of the writing process for most writers.  For me, it’s promotion, because I can hardly believe anyone would want to read my stuff (hello impostor syndrome, how are you?).

But I’m gonna talk about edits, because no one wants to hear me moan about not feeling good enough.

It’s one thing to go through your own work, unable to believe you spelled ‘writer’ with two T’s and how the hell did you get “you’re” and “your” mixed up.  It’s another to think you’ve edited to the best of your ability – and have another person point out all of the wrong you missed.  And I don’t mean that my lovely and wonderful editors are being mean or anything, this is their job.  I mean that I’m shocked that I missed this and that and really, Nicole, really, how the fuck did that get there?

If I had enough ego, it would be quite bruised. But sometimes you have to suck it up and deal, because even though you’re watching your story, your baby, getting pulled apart, it will turn out to be the best it can be when it gets put back together.

That metaphor is terrible. But you get the point, right?

Now if I can only get an editor for my blog posts…

Ollie’s Jock is mine again!

Yup, I just got the rights to my super short short story Ollie’s Jock from Torquere Press back – and not the first fucking clue what to do with it.

What do other authors do when they get the rights to a story back?  I could see it, but it’s so short that I can only see 99 cents at a price.

I could give it away as a freebie, an example of what I can do.

It’ll need a new cover.

Uh, too much on my brain.  I need to get back to Patch’s world


Do you have any idea how gross I’ve been feeling for all of Feburary and part of March?

Very, very gross.

I’ve been a bunch of sick. A bunch. Breathing troubles, a sleep study, heart troubles, and a whole heap of depression to top that.  I’m just climbing out of that hole and boy does it feel good to get shit done.

Like edits.  And a shower.

So, I’m hopping back on the horse and trying to get back into the mindset of Patch so I can continue with his fucking story already after a month of not adding a single word.  It shouldn’t be hard; he’s a hot mess, I’m a hot mess.  Easy peasy.

What have you been up to, Nicole?

*taps mic* Is this thing on?

So, as I’ve mentioned on Facebook and the Twittaz, I have a contract for the sequel to Shaken Up and I’m so very, very excited I could squee.  Some more.

The working title is Settling Down, and that’s pretty much what it’s about. Tim and Jae have been together for some months, Jae’s been learning more about Domestic Discipline, and they’re ready to give it a try, in their own special way. Given Tim’s limits and Jae’s choices when it comes to punishment, it’s an interesting take on DD that I hope you’ll enjoy.

So, what I’m doing right now?  Remember This Little Whatever, my first novel (if not, go and get it!). I’m in the process of writing its sequel right now!  It’s all sequels up in here! For those who have, and don’t worry I’m not gonna spoil my own book, it’s Patch’s story. I think the kid needs his own happy ending, so I’m giving it to him.

If you want to follow the process, here’s a good place.  I hope to have video updates up and running soon, since I love recording, and with a kick ass new mic, maybe I can get some of my favorite authors to do some interviews too!

Okay, that’s about it. I better get back to writing!

A reintroduction

Hello, all.  My name is Nicole and I write stories with men kiss each other.  A lot.

I’m gearing up for GRL in two weeks and it is getting outrageous with the amount of prep I’m putting into this.  I’ve sewn a dress, I’m turning business cards into mini bookmarks:


I’ve been crocheting little coffee cozies out of rainbow yarn to give away at the Supporting Author Meety Greety thingy


…and for folks who come up with a book to sign, I have my purple pen and a neat knitted bookmark to give:


For someone who can’t seem to get around to updating her blog/Facebook/Twitter, I HAVE been throwing my happy ass into getting ready for this retreat!  So, if you’re coming, I can’t wait to see you!  I won’t be hard to find, just look for the limpy chick with purple dreadlocks. 🙂

Good Things Come in Small Packages!

And that saying is so true with my newest release, a story for this year’s Love’s Landscapes called More Than He Can See on the Goodreads M/M Group! I’m so pleased that this received such a great reception, but if you haven’t read it yet, fret not, it’s FREE and you can find it here! It’s only 26 pages when downloaded, but packed with redheads, freckles, an unusual top and just a taste of the naughty stuff!

Hey Nicole, Whatcha Doing Now?



I’m trying my hand at cover making, because I wanted to give folks a little something extra to go with this year’s GR MMRomance story!  This is a roughish version, but I like it.

Now to write the story. 

In two weeks.