Monthly Archives: July 2013

Eeeee! I (almost) has cover!

I really should be going to bed right now, and I will, but after a long day of writing, then putting together a biography, then going out gaming (board gaming, that is), I got home with the first draft of the cover for This Little Whatever.  I’m so tickled I could scream.  Paul Richmond is a bloody genius and I really loved what he did with my men.

Yeah, I bet you’re wondering “So why aren’t you showing it off like a proud mama?”

Well, I’m not sure if I have that sort of permission yet.  But you better believe that I’ll be showing off the finished product hither and yon as soon as I can see it.

So, yeah.  And yay!

Sucking even more at blogging, part 2!

Oh hi guys I’m really very sorry!

And forgive me for any grammar mistakes I’m giving speech recongition a try because my wrist hurts.  Which wrist? Try both!

So there is a lot of stuff happening and I should probably tell you all everything.  First off, my story for that Goodreads M/M group called “Smoky Glimpses” has been released and people really seem to like it. This makes me very very happy.  Here’s the link below:

Also I am officially an author type person because I officially have a Goodreads author account.   No picture yet, I’m deciding which one I’d like to use.

Lastly, but not leastly, production on my book This Little Whatever is chugging along quite nicely.  I’ve gone through three rounds of edits and I received an e-mail two days ago letting me know that there’s work starting on the cover. This is very very very exciting! It almost doesn’t even feel real, ya’ll.  I hope to keep you all informed of all the gory details especially when you can buy it so I can share my boys Jonathan and Dean with you.  I hope you all love them as much as I do!

P.S. I’m deciding if I should take a recent freebie I posted on FictionPress, Little Earthquakes, off the site to clean up, expand and offer for publishing.  Please let me know what you guys think of the rough version!

CONverging on controversy

I am currently sitting in a hotel room outside of the Twin Cities, getting rested up and ready for the last night of convention parties and madness before returning to the normal life of a writer/professional mail opener. First, I got the blurb finalized for This Little Whatever and I’m bouncing in my seat in readiness.  Does this butterflies in the stomach feeling ever go away with the next books?  I hope to hell not.

Also, I got up yesterday morning and typed out a little short that I hope will find a nice place in a winter holiday anthology this year.  I have a few weeks to get it edited, but fingers crossed.

So, lastly, I’m going to wander into a controversy that started right as I was driving to this convention and it blew my tiny little mind.  See, I’m naive about our genre and our fans and our authors and reviewers and etc, and I really shouldn’t be.  I should be old hat at this.  I started enjoying men kissing each other back in ’96, when I was sixteen and into anime and discovered this thing called yaoi and oh how fun it is.  I was a fan until college stepped in and kicked my ass and stole my love of reading and writing for the low, low cost of no degree and some debt.  When I started writing again, I didn’t know there was a market (other than for the m/m stories I kept cranking out for NaNoWriMo. 

Then I learned.  And now I’m here.

And now I gotta problem.

Okay, no beating around the bush anymore.  Seriously, Wave, what the hell?

For those coming late to the party, well, other and better authors have addressed a recent post (now deleted and I’m on a tablet and have no clue how to link a screen shot) panning all the sudden surprise “het sex” that the reviewers on the site have come upon recently.  Now, just like all of the others who have had issues with the post, I am not saying anyone has to change what gets their motors running.  You want dicks and dicks only?  Okay.  Enjoy.  I think you’re missing out on a lot of awesome books, but hey, I’m not queen of your book budget.

It’s still a little bigoted, though.  I mean, are there people in 2013 who are NOT aware that some guys have vaginas?  Are we seriously going to misgender in order to keep some narrow idea of what man on man sex is supposed to be?  I’m a little disappointed.  I believed our genre was a lot more open than this. We were supposed to be the ones stirring the dull old Big Six romance publishers to try different things because we’re so progressive and awesome and…seriously what the hell?

I thought I’d left behind the vagina-derangement syndrome back when I left yaoi, a place were any ladybits that any male character may have had contact with were roasted over the literary spit.  Nice well rounded girls were morphed into evil harpies trying to keep our One True Pairing apart by being present, or loving, or heaven forbid, the canon love interest.  But it looks like we’re facing the same crap. It was baffling among
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